Refund and Returns Policy

Dayemi Foundation is deeply thankful for each contribution from our community of supporters. Your donations are vital to advancing our mission and making a tangible impact. We understand that financial decisions, including charitable donations, require trust and sometimes necessitate flexibility. This policy is designed to outline the circumstances under which Dayemi Foundation may offer refunds for donations made via our website, secured by SSL to ensure the safety of your personal and financial information.

Guiding Principles

  • Transparency and Trust: We aim to build and maintain trust with our donors through transparent communication and practices.
  • Donor Satisfaction: We are committed to ensuring the satisfaction and confidence of our donors in the ways their contributions are utilized.
  • Compliance and Integrity: Our refund and return policy is guided by legal compliance and the highest ethical standards.

Circumstances for Refund Consideration

We recognize that certain situations may necessitate the review of a donation for a possible refund. These include:

  1. Duplicate Transactions: If you accidentally submit a donation more than once for the same cause.
  2. Input Errors: If you intended to donate a different amount than what was processed (e.g., typing $500 instead of $50).
  3. Unauthorized Use of Payment Instrument: If you discover a donation was made using your payment details without your consent.
  4. Event Cancellation: If a donation was made specifically for an event that has been cancelled, and the donor does not wish to redirect their donation to another cause within the Foundation.
  5. Error in Donation Allocation: If a donation was intended for a specific project or fund but was mistakenly allocated elsewhere. In such cases, the Foundation can first attempt to correctly reallocate the donation as per the donor’s original intent before considering a refund.
  6. Change in Donor Intent: If a donor has a change of heart regarding their donation for reasons such as dissatisfaction with the Foundation’s approach or a shift in personal values. While these requests might be rare and more subjective, offering an avenue for discussion respects donor autonomy.
  7. Fraudulent Activity: Beyond unauthorized use of payment instruments, if a donation is made as a result of fraudulent activity not directly related to unauthorized payment use, such as identity theft.

Refund Request Procedure

To request a refund, please follow these steps:

  1. Contact Us Early: Initiate your refund request within 7 days of the donation date by contacting us at with the subject “Donation Refund Request.”
  2. Provide Detailed Information: Include in your email the donor’s full name, the transaction date, the donation amount, and, if possible, the transaction ID. Clearly state the reason for the refund request.
  3. Await Confirmation: Our team will review your request and may reach out for additional information or clarification. We strive to process requests within 14 business days from receipt.

Processing Refunds

Approved refunds will be credited back to the original payment method used for the donation. Please be aware that the timing for the refund to appear in your account may vary depending on the policies of your bank or card issuer.


While we aim to accommodate our donors’ needs, certain donations cannot be refunded:

  • Donations to Specific Projects: If the funds have already been allocated or used for the intended project or campaign.
  • In-kind Donations: Physical goods or services donated to the Foundation.
  • Donations for Benefits Received: Contributions made in exchange for goods, services, or other benefits (e.g., fundraising event tickets, merchandise).

Policy Amendments

Dayemi Foundation reserves the right to update this policy as needed to reflect changes in our operations or legal requirements. Any amendments will be effective upon their posting on our website.

Inquiries and Contact Information

For any questions regarding this policy or your donation, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at or via our website’s contact page. Our team is here to assist you with any concerns or feedback you may have.